Michele Jaeger, PhD

Photo credit: woodfordsisters.com

Photo credit: woodfordsisters.com

I’m Michele Jaeger, a holistic nutrition and wellness counselor, partnering with people who are sick of feeling sick. Chronic illness doesn’t happen overnight. The food we eat, the products we put on our body, our thoughts, stress, events from childhood, etc. - all of it affects our cellular biochemistry. Everything is connected. I help people piece together the whole picture of their health journey and take steps to bring the body back into it’s natural balanced state.

Our bodies were designed to heal and our bodies want to heal. But it can feel utterly overwhelming when you don’t know where to start or you have tried different protocols and haven’t seen improvement. I’ve been there, and I am here to help clear the muddy waters.

I had my first panic attack when I was 16, followed by chronic anxiety and episodes of depression.  At 26 I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.  My 30’s brought pregnancies, gestational diabetes, tremendous brain fog, exhaustion and a feeling of being completely “off”. 

Still feeling awful on thyroid medication, I began researching.  I started paying attention to my body’s signals.  I experimented with the foods I was eating and discovered my own personal inflammatory triggers. I examined my daily habits and thought patterns.   With every small change, my thyroid antibodies lowered and I found relief.  I’ve spent plenty of time sending ill-will toward my body:  blaming, resenting, angry that things weren’t working the way I thought they should.  One of the biggest lessons I needed to learn is that my body is my best friend, and it was desperately trying to get my attention.  This shift in mindset is where the real healing begins.  

Therapeutic nutrition and small changes in daily thoughts and habits can heal chronic illness.   Our bodies want to heal and have an innate ability to heal.  They are giving us clues all of the time; we just need to tune in and listen.  I’m here to help you interpret the messages and offer supportive guidance.      

Everyone’s healing journey is completely unique – there isn’t one magical healing protocol. Together, we will explore the daily rhythms that our bodies encounter as a source of healing, through the lens of your unique biochemistry and life circumstances:   food, sleep, movement, breath, thought patterns and your personal environment.  You deserve to be heard and believed.  You are worthy of feeling your absolute best!

Why the name Sage Wellness? A sage is someone who is wise through reflection and experience.  You have everything you need inside to heal.  Sometimes you need some help accessing that knowledge, learning how to listen or a gentle nudge to have the courage to try.  What are your symptoms holding you back from?   Let’s be curious together about what is going on in your body. 


Currently enrolled in Lauren Baca’s Innate Body Academy “Embodied Intelligence Bioresonance Apprenticeship”

Graduate of the Functional Nutrition Program “Full Body Systems” with Andrea Nakayama, Portland OR

Mind Body Spirit Release™ Academy - Advanced Level Certification

PhD, Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

BA, Biology, Luther College

Photo credit: kellymorin.com

Photo credit: kellymorin.com

I live in Lakeville, Minnesota with my husband and 3 children. I love teaching yoga, reading the latest self-development books, visiting farmer’s markets, tending my garden and being outdoors with my family.