Small shifts make big changes


I’m Michele Jaeger, a holistic nutrition and wellness counselor and bioresonance practitioner. If you are suffering with chronic illness, I am here to help you feel empowered again.

My focus:

*investigating emotions, beliefs and experiences that contribute to dis-ease

*autoimmune conditions (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, celiac disease, and more)

*PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and fertility challenges

*chronic fatigue and exhaustion

* digestive distress

*food sensitivities

*sleep disturbances

*mystery illnesses (“My doctor says I’m fine. But I don’t feel fine!”)



*stealth infections (Lyme and co-infections, EBV, strep, mycoplamsa)

Bioresonance Approach

Quantum physics and quantum biology are rapidly evolving and gaining interest as new ways to understand subatomic matter are discovered. The Universe is an infinite web of magnetic and electrical energy that humans ultimately experience as a physical, feeling body. 

Emotions, beliefs, trauma, inherited genetic patterns, nutrition, toxins, stealth pathogens, movement, and more, are all electro-magnetic in nature and become the terrain in which vitality or disease flourish. Bio-resonance is a tool that uses frequency to energetically converse with the body and get a glimpse of the terrain. What does the body need in this moment?  What are the unseen stressors? What is the body truly ready and able to address? When conversations are held with the body on the atomic level, the answers are often surprising and validating.  This knowledge is powerful, and provides tremendous hope! It can feel overwhelming to begin making changes. I’m here to support and guide you. ~Michele~